Useful links
Crown Prosecutions Service (CPS)
The CPS are the prosecuting on behalf of the Police. They will bring prosecutions against individuals for a variety of offences, including motoring. This link will take you to their information about Road Traffic offences.
DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing agency)
This government organization is responsible for registering Drivers and Vehicles. They hold the records which the Courts rely on when assessing a persons driving history or the ownership history of a vehicle. It is important to keep these records up to date.
Driving License
This link takes you to information on the UK government website about driving licences.
Vehicle and Driver Data
A link to the Government website enabling drivers to makes changes to their drivers records and update the DVLA.
Highway Code – The rules of the Road
This link takes you to the government website and information on the Highway Code. The Highway code is an important document which all drivers should be familiar with.
Motor School Association (MSA)
Organisation providing information and representation for Driver Trainers through the UK.
Drink Drive
This organisation provide training in relation to driving drive awareness.
Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB)
The MIB deal with the motor insurance industry and have particular focus on assisting people who are victims of uninsured drivers. It is an organisation which assist in providing confidence to the public regarding the validity of their insurance.
The Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM)
This organisation provides courses aimed at improving driving standards and training drivers in advanced motoring skills which are needed in some driving jobs (such as the Police or Ambulance service)